The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the only organization to honor secondary students for their outstanding work in Theatre. Thespian membership is granted for the performance of meritorious work in Theatre Arts which meets the Society’s general guidelines. Specifically students become members by earning points for their work. Any student who has participated in at least two productions and has accumulated a total of 100 hours of work is eligible for Thespian Society membership.
The following are general guidelines on the awarding of points:
One point represents approximately 10 hours of excellent work.
To attain Thespian Membership, a student must earn 10 points, 5 of which must be acquired at the school where he or she is to be inducted.
Thespian membership will be awarded on a democratic basis to all students who qualify according to the requirements of the point system. No student will be elected into the Society. No student will be denied membership if they have accumulated the required points and has fulfilled all membership requirements.
A student must participate in at least 2 full-length productions, or one full-length and two one-acts, or four one-acts. Participation MUST be in two of the listed categories, for example, acting and production.
Students may earn up to 5 points toward membership through participation in community, children’s or professional theatre, or in other activities in the performing arts.
After Thespians have attained membership, further recognition for their outstanding work in theatre arts may be awarded in the form of honors, stars/bars, and letters. Students should keep their points updated throughout high school in order to be eligible. Students will be given a date approximately one month before Thespian Night to have their points updated by. Students failing to do so will forfeit being eligible for awards and honors as they will not have been ordered.
Membershup information will be distributed during the early portion of the 4th grading quarter each year. Being a member of ITS allows students to be eligible for certain scholarships and auditions. The current cost to become a lifetime member is currently $25. It includes membership, membership card, and a 1 year subscription to Dramatics magazine, as well as opportunities to attend Regional, State, and National theatre festivals. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about eligibility and fill out their point sheet. Students who do not turn in their point sheets and membership fee on time, or do not meet the requirements will need to be inducted the following year.
Kings High School is International Thespian Troupe #7739.